Author: Dr. Kasturi R Naik, Educator, DES’s NMITD, and International HYL Workshop & Seminar Leader
Life is about bananas and school is about oranges. Two different skill sets. Many individuals good in academics may lack interpersonal skills which is a must to survive in today’s competitive corporate world. Still many of the renowned corporate focus on academics while hiring a candidate which sometimes leads to inefficient selection.

If employers limit the recruitment based on candidates’ academic excellence as selection criterion, the assessment ignores the complete set of candidate’s abilities, and this may result in some deserving candidates’ inability to clear the screening round leading to loss of both the organization as well as the candidate.
According to Sarmiento et al; 2007 the evidence regarding the effect of education on performance is inconclusive and contradictory. It is essential to conduct the research on establishing relationship among candidates on the job performance and academic record. The findings of this research will have significant impact on the strategy of hiring resulting in provision of wider opportunities for everyone to apply, without simply selecting candidates based on their academic excellence. Such future research will definitely fill the gap of knowledge in employees’ selection and performance management field of study and practice.