Choosing the right career!

Author: Jayanta Bhattacharya, Founder & CEO – Linking Connect

“…so what are you planning to do?” We often come across this question which makes us think of a new beginning, a professional life. There is so much to figure out around this question that not necessarily enable us to make the right choice and often puts too much pressure.

But what is so special or difficult about choosing a career path? Its so obvious right? Or is it about earning money or a rare skill to develop or making high contacts or working with the best MNCs in the world? The answer may be all of these or none of them depending on personal goal.

We are the creator of our destinyis the proverb that reminds us about setting personal goals and how to make them a reality by working on methods that make them possible. It is the single most difficult choice to choose not because of our lack of ability but mostly our inability to unblock our mind about our hidden potentials often getting unnoticed due to lack of self-awareness.

Choosing the right career in life means knowing fully or mostly what someone is good at and what makes one sets apart from others is the real turning point in anyones life. One can very easily avoid midlife professional crisis by being practical and futuristic at the same time and at the beginning. Visualizing your goal is a definite way of making it happen. 


Although its way easier said than done, the path always isnt simple but its worth taking the
risk. We learn down the path, way many things that we didn
t even realize actually exists. People, who advise or criticize us, are all spectators and mostly sideliners at the end and always. Everyone has to play their game, so we should be prepared. 

  1. Value Time This comes as number one actionable. Time management is the key from childhood. Learning time management skill takes time, so learn it and understand the concepts of activities that erodes times to be more productive and effective in what we do

  2. Select a goal Select a goal, whatever one think of pursuing as life will be drifting boat in the midst of the ocean without a destination. True identity of correct goal setting is constant enthusiasm in achieving your goal, no low feelings around your goal, high level of energy inspite of defeating situations or obstacle, to be focused at

  3. Think Well before Act – Think of all possible pros and cons before choosing a goal. Mostly people embark on career they never wanted to be a part of, purely due to not giving enough thought or attention to what they wanted to pursue.

Becoming self-aware is the first step towards a great career path in which ever field it may be. Take risk, gain knowledge, assess pros and cons and move ahead.  

About the Author

The Unicorn People

The Unicorn People is a new-age HR consulting firm providing end-to-end support to growing enterprises across South Asia and the Middle East. It is a team of seasoned professionals with a combined experience of over 50 years across varied industries such as IT/ITES, Healthcare, Metals & Mining, Pharmaceuticals, Food & Beverage, Education, Consulting, BFSI, and Retail.

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